essential oils. These plants contain 80-97% and 30-45% of total geraniol sitronella.
Citronella cultivation is not much memerlikan requirements and can be grown on
infertile soil. In addition, this plant has many root fibers,
so that this plant is also the potential to maintain and rehabilitate erosion lands
Model Development
Plant development ylang-ylang and lemongrass scented as vegetation conservation can
applied with newfangled technology corridor Slop cropping cultivation according to the direction of
contour. The proportion of plants ylang-ylang and lemongrass scented set berdaasarkan level
slope by calculating the crop canopy during growth
optimal. Corresponding contour hallway citronella intermittent alternating with ylang-ylang hallway.
Citronella aisle width is approximately 7 meters and ylang-ylang 8 meters, so
composition is 40% land to 60% citronella and ylang-ylang to land.
Citronella plant spacing is 1 x 1 meter and ylang-ylang is a 3 x 3 meter triangular
same side of the direction of the line contour (See Figure).
For the conservation of plant maintenance PADIQQ.COM AGEN TEXAS POKER DAN DOMINO ONLINE INDONESIA TERPERCAYA includes cleaning and tilling
ring and fertilization is usually done after each harvest. Plants ylang-ylang
can produce very high biomass, and to keep these plants are not
too high pruning needs to be done. The result of these cuts can be made
as mulch or other organic fertilizer for plants. Plants ylang-ylang very
susceptible to leaf-eating caterpillar pests (Maenas maculifascia) so it needs to be
monitoring of the existence of pest control is to be performed as early as
possible. When normal growth, ylang-ylang plant to flower at the age of 2.5
Citronella cultivation is not much memerlikan requirements and can be grown on
infertile soil. In addition, this plant has many root fibers,
so that this plant is also the potential to maintain and rehabilitate erosion lands
Model Development
Plant development ylang-ylang and lemongrass scented as vegetation conservation can
applied with newfangled technology corridor Slop cropping cultivation according to the direction of
contour. The proportion of plants ylang-ylang and lemongrass scented set berdaasarkan level
slope by calculating the crop canopy during growth
optimal. Corresponding contour hallway citronella intermittent alternating with ylang-ylang hallway.
Citronella aisle width is approximately 7 meters and ylang-ylang 8 meters, so
composition is 40% land to 60% citronella and ylang-ylang to land.
Citronella plant spacing is 1 x 1 meter and ylang-ylang is a 3 x 3 meter triangular
same side of the direction of the line contour (See Figure).
For the conservation of plant maintenance PADIQQ.COM AGEN TEXAS POKER DAN DOMINO ONLINE INDONESIA TERPERCAYA includes cleaning and tilling
ring and fertilization is usually done after each harvest. Plants ylang-ylang
can produce very high biomass, and to keep these plants are not
too high pruning needs to be done. The result of these cuts can be made
as mulch or other organic fertilizer for plants. Plants ylang-ylang very
susceptible to leaf-eating caterpillar pests (Maenas maculifascia) so it needs to be
monitoring of the existence of pest control is to be performed as early as
possible. When normal growth, ylang-ylang plant to flower at the age of 2.5