Saturday, May 3, 2014

recently we were shocked by the sky-high price jengkol

recently we were shocked by the sky-high price jengkol, flavor-it's really yes kebangetan jengkol prices so high. Jengkol known as the food of the people, from pedicab drivers to officials jengkol many like stew. If you are sure tuh available to warteg stews jengkol.Sesuai with the laws of classical economics, when demand is high and supply limited, prices will go up automatically. Jengkol themselves often the subject of ridicule, but do not affect the interest Jasa SEO Blitar of the public to eat it.
Despite the fairly high price, but seriously jengkol cultivation may still we jumpai.Sebagai rare plants native to tropical regions, crop jengkol more suitable to be planted in the lowlands. Jengkol plants require high levels of radiation throughout the day, so make sure you do not land planted jengkol covered from the sun. In addition, trees jengkol require high water supplies that are also followed with sufficient moisture content. Jengkol tree that can be planted anywhere adaptatif enough as long as it is close to a water source.
Although jengkol tree can grow anywhere and does not require special land, but to note the start time of planting. Based on observations, it would be easier jengkol trees thrive when planted early in the rainy season. Trees will grow and evolve faster. This of course will make the tree bear fruit jengkol faster.
The origins Jengkol
Jengkol tree-2Baru recently reported jengkol prices soared, exceeding the price of chicken meat, eggs and other groceries. In Bekasi, for example, the price of these legumes fruit reach Rp 50 thousand per kilogram, up 100 percent from the usual price of Rp 25 thousand per kilogram.Harga jengkol is even higher than the price of chicken meat boiler. According to the Ministry of Commerce, by May 28, the price of chicken boiler on the market is Rp 26,122 per kilogram. While the price of chicken eggs Rp 35,127 per kilogram. Great is not it?
Well, talk jengkol, it helps us to know better the origin
Jasa SEO Gresik of leguminous fruit, which when cooked is loved most of Indonesian people ini.Jengkol or Pithecollobium Jiringa or Pithecollobium Labatum, a plant species typical of tropical regions of Southeast Asia. This tree can be found in Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar and Thailand. In countries that also seeds jengkol miscellaneous processed into food menu.


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