Thursday, February 20, 2014

Normalization and drainage ditches as a source of flash flooding in the City

Normalization and drainage ditches as a source of flash flooding in the City of Edinburgh continues to speed up . Head of Department of Public Works ( PU ) City of Edinburgh Khairudin Fikri , through the Head of Irrigation and
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Drainage Dada , said so.
" One thing we 've been in the trenches Donorojo normalization , which is upstream flooding behind Persijam , it's one that we have carried out , the others are still there , " said Dada told this newspaper yesterday ( 11/12 ) .
" It was an effort to anticipate flood in the City of Edinburgh , " he added .
While the repair or construction of drainage , Dada said , it has been in the budget for the ABT in 2013 , there are 21 points in five sub-district in the City of Edinburgh are currently permbangunan or drainage improvements are still in progress .
"If there are 21 points still ABT done in the City of Edinburgh in a couple of RT in the Village in the District of the City of Edinburgh East in the District of Jambi , Telanai Pura , Jelutung , South Jambi ,
SOCCERINDO AGEN BOLA ONLINE WORLD CUP 2014and the District of New Town , " he explained .
He explained that , in the repair and construction of drainage ABT budgeted in 2013 has reached 50 percent . Realization of the limitations associated with ABT until later on December 20 , he said , peembangunan drainage is believed to be on time .
He explained titikyang point have been completed or corrected which in some RT in keluarahan in the District Telanai Pura , Jelutung , and the District of Jambi south .
" Approximately 50 percent of the finish . If the target around 20 completed all , there is the right length ( Drainage , red) was built to stay 7 meters , surely finished , " he explained .
Asked ABT budget for the construction of drainage alone he explained ,
KAISARBET.COM AGEN BOLA TERPERCAYA PIALA DUNIA 2014drainage construction budget about $ 2 billion more .


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