How catfish farming in ponds tarp almost tantamount to cultivate land catfish in ponds distinction has only lies in the media and catfish pond fertilization techniques. alat bantu sex indonesia The best catfish ponds are ponds that fit between the width of the pond with catfish were stocked seed population. Standard capacity is 100 tail catfish ponds / m3 (1 m long x 1 m wide x 1 m high water). All types of catfish (sangkurinag, dubo and others) can be maintained in the pool tarp.
Excess maintain tarp catfish in ponds, among others:
Sheeting is easily obtained, and the price is quite cheap
Contamination by an unknown soil quality can be avoided.
Water control is easily managed in terms of both quality and quantity of water
Minimize pest is often found on the surface of the ground like a beaver and a type of bacteria.
Practical in harvesting catfish.
How to create a pool tarp catfish.
pool tarp catfish
Previously we had to make a plan, especially regarding the number of seeds that will be our stocking alat bantu sex profesional catfish, it is to customize the pond area that we will create. Do not make a catfish pond too small or too big. Once we ascertain the number of catfish that we keep going we can make the following perosedur pool with a tarp.
First dig the ground at 1.5 m with an area of 1 m to 100 tail catfish. After the soil dug excavation tap-tap surface until smooth, keep the gravel, rocks and other hard objects on the surface of the soil excavated pond. The excavation spray with disinfectant as a sanitary measure. After sanitizing let the quarry pond for three days.
Attach tarp we make seluaas excavation, 50 cm wide sheeting exaggerated on each side of the excavation. To hold the tarp will be a pool filled with water can fill it with soil or wood are put up with. Tarpaulins are used are tarpaulin that can last for three months in a water bath for example; tarp tents or plastic sheeting thick glass.
To make the initial water pool tarp, there are two ways:
Initial water containing many plankton obtained from a special pool for alat bantu sex terpercaya the manufacture of water plankton, the way in addition to making the excavation for the pool tarp we also make a special ground pools to make the water contains a lot of plankton by means of fertilization. The steps are: create an excavation of an area of land that is needed, fill it with compost sapid an early leave for 3 days. Next fill the pond with water (not tap water) and leave it for about a week until the water turns to greenish (meaning Duah much plankton to feed catfish later). This water is drained and transferred to the pool tarp.
The second way, make straight in the pond water plankton tarp catfish. The trick after sheeting installed content with compost cow (bovine feces), let stand for 3 days, then fill water. Let the new pool tarp during the week included catfish seed.
The second way of fertilizing pool tarp over it for catfish the best way is the first way that the water in the pond fertilization separately. This may be due to the consumption of plankton is only good for catfish fingerlings, while for large catfish have been better use of feed pellets. Giving roof on catfish ponds is highly investasi online recommended, this is to avoid contamination of rainwater which is not good for the growth of catfish as acid rain.