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Thursday, December 26, 2013

Budidaya Ikan Lele di Kolam Terpal

How catfish farming in ponds tarp almost tantamount to cultivate land catfish in ponds distinction has only lies in the media and catfish pond fertilization techniques. alat bantu sex indonesia  The best catfish ponds are ponds that fit between the width of the pond with catfish were stocked seed population. Standard capacity is 100 tail catfish ponds / m3 (1 m long x 1 m wide x 1 m high water). All types of catfish (sangkurinag, dubo and others) can be maintained in the pool tarp.

Excess maintain tarp catfish in ponds, among others:

Sheeting is easily obtained, and the price is quite cheap
Contamination by an unknown soil quality can be avoided.
Water control is easily managed in terms of both quality and quantity of water
Minimize pest is often found on the surface of the ground like a beaver and a type of bacteria.
Practical in harvesting catfish.

How to create a pool tarp catfish.
pool tarp catfish
Previously we had to make a plan, especially regarding the number of seeds that will be our stocking alat bantu sex profesional catfish, it is to customize the pond area that we will create. Do not make a catfish pond too small or too big. Once we ascertain the number of catfish that we keep going we can make the following perosedur pool with a tarp.

First dig the ground at 1.5 m with an area of ​​1 m to 100 tail catfish. After the soil dug excavation tap-tap surface until smooth, keep the gravel, rocks and other hard objects on the surface of the soil excavated pond. The excavation spray with disinfectant as a sanitary measure. After sanitizing let the quarry pond for three days.

Attach tarp we make seluaas excavation, 50 cm wide sheeting exaggerated on each side of the excavation. To hold the tarp will be a pool filled with water can fill it with soil or wood are put up with. Tarpaulins are used are tarpaulin that can last for three months in a water bath for example; tarp tents or plastic sheeting thick glass.

To make the initial water pool tarp, there are two ways:

Initial water containing many plankton obtained from a special pool for alat bantu sex terpercaya the manufacture of water plankton, the way in addition to making the excavation for the pool tarp we also make a special ground pools to make the water contains a lot of plankton by means of fertilization. The steps are: create an excavation of an area of ​​land that is needed, fill it with compost sapid an early leave for 3 days. Next fill the pond with water (not tap water) and leave it for about a week until the water turns to greenish (meaning Duah much plankton to feed catfish later). This water is drained and transferred to the pool tarp.
The second way, make straight in the pond water plankton tarp catfish. The trick after sheeting installed content with compost cow (bovine feces), let stand for 3 days, then fill water. Let the new pool tarp during the week included catfish seed.

The second way of fertilizing pool tarp over it for catfish the best way is the first way that the water in the pond fertilization separately. This may be due to the consumption of plankton is only good for catfish fingerlings, while for large catfish have been better use of feed pellets. Giving roof on catfish ponds is highly investasi online recommended, this is to avoid contamination of rainwater which is not good for the growth of catfish as acid rain.

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Budidaya Ternak Bebek Skala Kecil Dan Menengah

Raising livestock is a business unit in the field of animal production , animal breeding duck means business duck farm animal production areas , in terms of scale cultivation AGEN JUDI POKER , AGEN JUDI DOMINO ONLINE INDONESIA TERPERCAYA should be noted that we make whether small-scale farming , menangah or large . define the scale grounding in business is the business factors and also carefully analyze the risks and opportunities on a duck farm . If we as a beginner in this duck breeding should start with a small scale first so that gradually we understand fully the duck tenrnak management . In this cultivation is needed regarding the kind of planning that we cultivated ; whether laying duck or duck meat . Both types have different risks and prospects in terms of business and economic analysis .

It must be understood about the scale of the cattle business , in government regulations have been set on the scale livestock farming is good cattle , poultry farming which includes duck . Linkages of scale livestock farming business with the government planning is the lack of rules governing that particular scale farm businesses need a business license , while the government regulations governing the scale livestock farming is compulsory license decision issued by the minister of agriculture 404/kpts number / OT.210/6/2002 this rule also applies to animal breeding ducks , the following rules shall permit livestock scale :

Broiler with a capacity of more than 15,000 head / cycle
Chicken laying chickens more than 10,000 productive
Ducks , geese or wild duck tail more dari15.000
More than 10,000 turkey tail
More than 25,000 quail tail
More than 25,000 pigeons tail
Goat / sheep more than 300 individuals
Beef cattle more than 100 individuals
More than 75 buffalo tail
Dairy cattle over 20 head
More than 50 horses tail
More than 1,500 rabbits tail
More than 300 deer tail

If you want to open animal farming duck or duck tail capacity is less bisnis online than 15,000 then you categorized business scale businesses that are not required to permit it based on the rules above , however, different regions may be different regulations in force . After Usha -scale livestock duck / duck has been determined , the next perisapan :

Selection of seeds
Duck farm management
Knowledge on the ( way animal breeding ducks , common diseases in ducks and also how to overcome them to improve health )

Livestock barns ideal duck is filled with 1 M2 maximum 7 ducks if less than 7 better , than that consider the quality of the seeds you buy ducks ( DOC ) , if you wanted to duck laying cultivated the comparison of male and female seeds are good is 2 : 1 ( 2 females single males ) , is to increase the chances of duck livestock production that will be cultivated .

Livestock management ducks can you learn from the books of practical ways to raise ducks that banayk sold in bookstores , aquaculture management is the core of the breeder or the manager custom enclosure . Remember one thing that no farms that do not have a health risk , certainly every effort will surely meet with livestock diseases , including duck , for it did vasinasi completely against your pet ducks . I think the core of a farm is animal health , if your pet duck away from the disease then you are AGEN JUDI POKER , AGEN JUDI DOMINO ONLINE getting close to the bottom line.

Monday, December 23, 2013

Why Girls-Girls Do not Like Me?

Now he definitely impressed. I told you all about myself-my stuff, the places I went to, acquaintance-acquaintance. Surely, deh, she would if I take the road!
Ouch, really annoying, deh, this guy! How he understood well pengobatan alternatif  understand baseball, anyway? How ya get away without being considered rude?
YOU are mature enough for a relationship. You want to find an attractive girlfriend and sisters. (1 Corinthians 7:39) But, every time you want to start a relationship, fail again fail again. What is wrong? Are the women only looking for a handsome man? "That may well muscled, anyway," said a woman named Lisa. However, it is not only the most sought after women. "Children are not necessarily handsome good nature," said Carrie, 18 years.
Like what's good nature? If you want to get to know a woman, what factors should you consider? Principles Bible what should you remember?
First Step
Before you decide to hold the approach to a woman, there are some basic skills you need to learn, and this will help you make friends with anyone. Consider the following:
● Learn to be polite. The Bible says that love "does not apply disrespectful". (1 Corinthians 13:5) If you're impolite, it means you respect others and are developing attributes of Christ. But, good manners not like your suit to impress others then you come off upon arrival at home. Ask yourself,
Projector Murah
'Would I be polite to members of my family?' If not, sopanmu attitude to others outside the home would seem contrived. Remember, to find out what kind of person you really are, women are keen to observe how you treat members keluargamu.-Ephesians 6:1, 2.
What the women said: "I really like the guy manners in little things, like opening the door for me, and the big things, such as good and equal attention is not the same me, but also my family."-Tina.
"I hated it when there was a guy who just met already quasi-familiar, ask questions about the person, such as 'It's got a girlfriend?', And 'You intend to settle down?' That's baseball polite and I am so uncomfortable, deh!"-Kathy.
"I do not think the guy politely if they could go around playing with our emotions, our feelings baseball seems important and we are desperate to marry as to want to be pitied."-Alexis.
● Take care of personal hygiene. By maintaining the cleanliness of the body, ye honor not only others but also yourself. (Matthew 7:12) If you respect yourself, others will respect you. On the other hand, if you neglect personal hygiene, your effort to impress a woman will actually fall apart.
What the women said: "There was a guy who had a crush on me but his breath stinks. Nah resistant, deh. "-Kelly.
● Learn conversational skills. Basic long-lasting relationship is good communication. This means that your conversation is not just about material interests but also interests you friend. (Philippians 2:3, 4) You have to listen closely to what he says and you respect his opinion.
What the women said: "I was impressed that there was a smooth guy talking to me, if he remembered my words and can ask that the conversation continues to connect."-Christine.
"I think guys are interested in what is seen, but the girl is more interested in what is heard."-Laura
Projector Dari PT ESCO Audio Visual
"Glad to be given a gift anyway, but if he ngobrolnya good, if he can entertain us when we are sad again. . . Wow! That's just cool. "-Amy.
"There's that, my friends are polite and familiar baseball never pretentious. Chat with her fun, baseball and he never said 'You smell good, deh' or 'You're really pretty today'. He really listens when I talk, and any girl would love to be treated so. "-Beth.
"I definitely want a closer acquaintance with a guy who can be funny but also serious talk without sounding contrived."-Kelly.
● Be responsible person. The Bible says, "Each one will carry his own load." (Galatians 6:5) The woman is not going to be interested in people who moved around the work being lazy or because too often played.
What the women said: "They should be more responsible. I love baseball at the most random. The impression is good baseball. "-Carrie.
"There are people whose goal in life is clear baseball. If there is a woman who they love, they find out what he wanted, kept saying, 'How come we are the same ideals! "But, they are very different actions."-Beth.
By being a responsible person, as shown above, you will have many friends. But, once you feel ready to start a serious relationship with someone, what should you do?
Next Step
● Take the initiative. If you fancy someone that you think could be a good wife, you must tell him that you are attracted to him. When expressed, you should clearly and frankly. Yes, indeed it makes excited. You fear rejection. But, if you want to take the initiative, it's a sign you're an adult. But remember: This is not a marriage proposal. So, do not get too serious or pleading, because it can actually make a woman intimidated, not interested.
What the women said: "I do not know the contents of people's minds. So, if anyone wants a closer acquaintance, he should be honest and forthright. Just say directly. "-Nina.
"Indeed, heck, it feels awkward when people who had been friends now want to be a girlfriend. But, I'm more pleased that he immediately said he wanted to know me more closely, more than just friends. "-Helen.
● Respect her decision. What if your friend says he's not interested have a more serious relationship with you? Respect dignity. Realize that he is the most know the contents of his own heart, and believe that the refusal is not just hard to get. You look so immature that insisted on. If you do not want to get too-much less grumpy-interest who exactly are you thinking? Interests him or yourself? -1 Corinthians 13:11.
What the women said: "Irritated, me, if I've obviously tried to refuse but he still continues."-Colleen
"I already explained that I was interested in baseball at him, but he forced requested phone number. I, anyway, not want evil. Anyway, I have to respect him, had dared nyatain feelings. But, how else would. Finally I had to really firm with him. "-Sarah.
Which Don'ts
Some feel that it is easy to conquer a woman's heart. They even make the most intelligent race who captured the attention of women. However, such behavior is cruel and you will be branded a playboy. (Proverbs 20:11) So that is not so, you must pay attention to the following.
● Do not philander. People love to seduce like menggombal and using body language flirting. He had no intention of going out with honor. It was not in accordance with the Bible's advice that you should treat "younger women as sister with full purity". (1 Timothy 5:2, New International Version) People like that is definitely not a good friend, let alone a good husband. Women who are keen to know it.
What the women said: "I, heck, baseball would be interested at those who seduce us just last month when he wears the same seduction to our friends."-Helen.
"There is a cool guy who never seduce me, what he says about himself continues. Time another girl came, she seduce him as well. His words are similar! Then when it came another girl, she repeat the same words. Basic rag! "-Tina.
● Do not permainkan women's feelings. Do not think that the way you make friends with the same woman the way you make friends with him. Why? Just think: If you say to a friend that she just wear lelakimu new suit or you often confide in him, he may not have thought you had a crush on him. But, if you praise a woman's appearance or often confide in him, he might think you're attracted to him.
What the women said: "I think baseball guys understand that they should treat baseball like a girl friend boy friend."-Sheryl.
"There's a guy who asked for my phone number, then I can SMS from him. Well,. . . What's that mean? He just wants to be friends or want to invites going out? If he was just an SMS, it is clear baseball. "-Mallory.
"pasang iklan baris gratis tanpa daftar I think baseball guy if a girl is easy nyadar flowery feelings, especially if the guy was ignorant person and easy to talk to. Instead we were desperate to marry. But, I think it's natural that a girl wants to fall in love and looking for the right partner. "-Alison.

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Bagaimanakah Ciri Backlink yang Berkualitas?

pulau pari - How characteristic Backlink Qualified? A backlink is a link from another website or blog that leads to your blog. Backlink is an exceptional source points to gain ranking in Google. There are several characteristics to give value to a backlink, so let's look at them one by one:
Should not Nofollow Dofollow backlinks. A link is called if the link is dofollow backlink. If nofollow, then the link is not backlinks. Moreover, Google will completely ignore all links with rel nofollow tag in the calculation of points a page.
Many also say nofollow also give points. But after I read the source of the issue, and compare with their own experiences, I prefer Google's statement, that nofollow will not help any in terms of ranking.
Quality backlinks from authoritative site. It is something that is certainly very difficult to Jasa Pasang Iklan Tanpa Daftar get. The higher authority of a site of their more selective in choosing their link partners. You will be very lucky if there is a site with a PageRank 4 upwards and downwards 150,000 Alexa rank is pleased to give a link to you from the porch, especially on the sidebar.
Backlink Quality Of High Pagerank Home Page. Most lazy if you hear someone say get backlinks from high pagerank sites. Though the link is on a page that does not exist pageranknya. PR6 homepage useless, if your link is on a PR0 page of the blog. Because you are counted as points are points on the page and not the point of the homepage.
So do not need to put a backlink if it PR0 page? Remains necessary. PR0 page does not mean it's 0 points. It could be that the page is actually 0.5 points or whatever, if divided by the number of outbound link, and its value is still pretty good, then plug it.
Backlink Quality From Home With Little Outbound Links. Imagine if you are looking for a link from a page that already has over 300 links. That means that to get the points to be divided by 300 over the divider. Is divided equally? Of course not. It depends again on where the position of your link.
So if you are looking for a link from a web page, make sure you do not see too many links on the page. The number of links that can be received between 100-150 links, if it is more than that then its value would be very small. But small value so it will not matter if you are willing to find backlinks keindahan pulau pari that much.
Position Determining value. The value of a link that is placed in the position before the article is better than a link that is placed in the position after the article. Even if the link is right above A Link B, it will create a link A better value than the value of the link B. So lucky actors if the anchor text a link exchange beginning with the letter A. They will get more points than the user anchor text beginning with B, C, D, and so on.
Anchor Text Must Match Keyword. Of course this is very important in your SEO optimization. Keywords in the anchor text can be a very valuable vote points to a blog or website. So strong is the anchor text to a page without the word "Sewing Machine" can even become a champion on the word "Sewing Machine" when tens of thousands of anchor text that leads to a page that uses the word "Sewing Machines".
So that the characteristics of quality backlinks, but .... Just save it as knowledge. You will never have enough backlinks if you take into account all the above factors. Find A backlink is a lot and consistently every day. Of the many backlinks you get, there will be some pretty quality. At least 50% of the above factors can be attached to the backlinks-backlinks pulau pari seribu

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Shooting Tips Keyword / keyword Blogger

Shooting Tips Keyword / keyword Blogger - Hello blogger friends , how they say ..? Still can breath kah ..? HahaJ ( used to let a saucy smile ) , this time I will okeh menshare tips are certainly an important thing that you all who read this article would like to become a tentang pulau tidung master blogger / Blogger sukses.Tentu these tips are not familiar to you if you basically far enough acquainted with the world of bloggers , what is it ..? yap 100 for you ( though not in charge of what - apaJ ) the answer is keyword / keyword blog , if you want to create a blog that you should think about ahead of time is what keywords would you shoot in your blog , so your blog will have a clear topic since the early start to the end of life later . A
tips target keywords or keyword blog
So here if you want to have a blog that has a high tarffik customer and you also have your articles , then your focus to the topic of the blog that you shoot , because here the customers will continue to search for the article you - follow- up of your article , and tepelet was their customers with articles kita.JDan your articles , (I mean here is a customer visit or not the copaser loyal readers ) , will be waiting for the latest article updates from a previous blog subscribers anda.karena you 've presented the information they need in detail get to the root - akarnya.Namun before you target keywords would be nice if you research the keywords blog , how ..? ? here you can read it straight way keyword research blog .Well that important keyword selection blog , you do not proof-texted Mangkanya there keywords of your blogging adventure , but it can be a few months you will already clogged topic of the keywords you ambil.nah from there we can take the lesson that keyword selection should be based on research blog kunci.Oke said to shorten the time of let's start the tips , let's see how selangkapnya researched keywords / keyword blog.chekkidot
1 . Use the Keyword Tool
If you still do not pulau tidung indonesia find at all the views with the keyword or keywords that you take you can use keyword research tools that you can meet on the internet and free of course .. hahaJ.misalnya course you can use the keyword tool provided by Mbah google , ie Google Adwords keyword tool planner.dengan provided by the google you will be able to find out which keywords are the most sought after and which keywords are also medium -and rarely deserted alias in the search by people .

2 . Select keywords unique and interesting
But before you use the tips number one earlier , it would be nice if you try to specify a keyword which would you shoot , try the keywords or keyword is a keyword that is unique and menarik.misalnya you want to target keywords for example : " tips blogger "Of course it is not possible for you to take the same course as you will fight the big blogs in the world who would have use the keyword tersebut.namun if you modify the keywords with other keywords might be quite a bit of competition for example, you just add it to the Indonesian language keywords such as " blogger tips beginner " , of course there would be less competition for you to add keywords to the Indonesian and it would reduce competition for sure who took these keywords is just the Indonesia alone .

3 . Adjust your portions
Suppose you 've srek and confident with the keywords , but you should consider it with kemampun memtetap you in optimization SEO Optimization capability SEO.misalkan course you still petty then you never take the high competition keywords that belong to the tuna , because why . . ? ? here tuna is more expensive and it feels even more maknyoss .. ( loh. . tablets why even discuss yes fish .. hahaJ ) , I mean those of the tuna is the master blogger and SEO , if you are still determined to take the keyword the same as you kill it I make sure you will diri.dan waste of time and energy .

4 . blogwalking
These tips you can use when you are completely clogged with keywords that you would ambil.memang idea it is very expensive ..? ( Berapaan yak ..? ? What the discount tuh ga ..? HahahaJ ) . Then often you blogwalking -often with the idea that one day will be crossed by itself in your mind and you need kalu can ask the owner of your blog that you can kunjungi.atau also often hang out in discussion forums .Well that was probably a few tips to target keyword / pulau tidung keyword Blogger of me hopefully this article can be useful ... okay happy blogging.J