Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Budidaya Ternak Bebek Skala Kecil Dan Menengah

Raising livestock is a business unit in the field of animal production , animal breeding duck means business duck farm animal production areas , in terms of scale cultivation AGEN JUDI POKER , AGEN JUDI DOMINO ONLINE INDONESIA TERPERCAYA should be noted that we make whether small-scale farming , menangah or large . define the scale grounding in business is the business factors and also carefully analyze the risks and opportunities on a duck farm . If we as a beginner in this duck breeding should start with a small scale first so that gradually we understand fully the duck tenrnak management . In this cultivation is needed regarding the kind of planning that we cultivated ; whether laying duck or duck meat . Both types have different risks and prospects in terms of business and economic analysis .

It must be understood about the scale of the cattle business , in government regulations have been set on the scale livestock farming is good cattle , poultry farming which includes duck . Linkages of scale livestock farming business with the government planning is the lack of rules governing that particular scale farm businesses need a business license , while the government regulations governing the scale livestock farming is compulsory license decision issued by the minister of agriculture 404/kpts number / OT.210/6/2002 this rule also applies to animal breeding ducks , the following rules shall permit livestock scale :

Broiler with a capacity of more than 15,000 head / cycle
Chicken laying chickens more than 10,000 productive
Ducks , geese or wild duck tail more dari15.000
More than 10,000 turkey tail
More than 25,000 quail tail
More than 25,000 pigeons tail
Goat / sheep more than 300 individuals
Beef cattle more than 100 individuals
More than 75 buffalo tail
Dairy cattle over 20 head
More than 50 horses tail
More than 1,500 rabbits tail
More than 300 deer tail

If you want to open animal farming duck or duck tail capacity is less bisnis online than 15,000 then you categorized business scale businesses that are not required to permit it based on the rules above , however, different regions may be different regulations in force . After Usha -scale livestock duck / duck has been determined , the next perisapan :

Selection of seeds
Duck farm management
Knowledge on the ( way animal breeding ducks , common diseases in ducks and also how to overcome them to improve health )

Livestock barns ideal duck is filled with 1 M2 maximum 7 ducks if less than 7 better , than that consider the quality of the seeds you buy ducks ( DOC ) , if you wanted to duck laying cultivated the comparison of male and female seeds are good is 2 : 1 ( 2 females single males ) , is to increase the chances of duck livestock production that will be cultivated .

Livestock management ducks can you learn from the books of practical ways to raise ducks that banayk sold in bookstores , aquaculture management is the core of the breeder or the manager custom enclosure . Remember one thing that no farms that do not have a health risk , certainly every effort will surely meet with livestock diseases , including duck , for it did vasinasi completely against your pet ducks . I think the core of a farm is animal health , if your pet duck away from the disease then you are AGEN JUDI POKER , AGEN JUDI DOMINO ONLINE getting close to the bottom line.


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